Always Here - Call for Art


Higher Art Gallery welcomes visual Artists in all mediums who feel the call to practice resistance in the form of making Art to submit one piece for consideration.

What is "Always Here" about?

"Always Here" is an exhibit and means to allow free expression, show & raise support for those facing increasing marginalization & whose very human rights are in jeopardy. We seek to create an exhibit which brings a sense of hope, joy, curiosity & empowerment to those who wish to be open to it. We seek Art which celebrates GLBTQ folks, people who are being targeted for their "otherness" from those who wish them harm or erasure.

What this show is NOT: we are not into drawing attention or naming the person (s)responsible for many of the current changes in legislation. The face, name or likeness of this person will not make any appearances in this exhibit, as we would rather focus on not losing a sense of hope, working together through these challenging times, and honoring the differences we all share. Instead, this is a time for up-lifting and putting forth the idea that no matter what is done or how hard they try to push us down and erase us, we are not going anywhere.

ALWAYS HERE GLBTQ folks have always been and always will be here.


SUBMISSION DATES: now thru May 30th



June 14th SHOW DATES: June 21- July 12th

Criteria & Details: ~ Always Here is open to ALL ARTISTS from anywhere.

~ Due to space limitations, Artists are invited to submit one piece for consideration, and as much as we would like to accept every submission, we simply do not have the space.

~All Mediums are considered: sculpture, paintings, drawings, photography, fiber and mixed media. ~ 2- D work may not exceed 32 " in ANY direction ~ Sculpture dimensions will be discussed as needed basis.

~ All work which hangs needs to have the proper device to hang. Wire hangers are preferable. When submitting framed work, please include the frame in the image.

~Please send high quality Jpegs to our and include "Always Here" in the subject line of the email. Also include your full name, title, dimensions and retail cost of the work. *** 20% from all sales will be donated to ACLU (AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION) on behalf of participating Artists and the gallery. The split is as follows: Artist 40%/Gallery 40%/ACLU 20%

~ It is the responsibility of the Artist to retrieve or arrange for return shipping of any unsold work. ~ Artwork and Exhibit will be for in-person viewing /sales as well as in our on-line shop as well.

~ Submissions will be accepted on a rolling basis.