Capacity Building
Michigan Arts & Culture Council
Since 1966, the State of Michigan has recognized the value and importance of a vibrant arts and cultural sector. The Michigan Arts and Culture Council (MACC) was established to maintain and nurture the state's cultural and artistic riches, and serves as the lead agency charged with developing arts and culture policy and grant-making. The council is dedicated to ensuring that every citizen and community in Michigan enjoys the civic, economic and educational benefits of arts and culture.
The Network has served as a regional partner for MACC in Northwest Michigan since it formed in 2018, including its role as the regional regrant partner for the minigrant program through FY24 (9/30/24). It can also help organizations connect to MACC, its program directors, grant programs, and resources.
Learn more about MACC and its grant programs here.
Fiscal Sponsorships
The Northwest Michigan Arts & Culture Network can serve as a fiscal sponsor to support grant opportunities that would otherwise be unavailable to individual artists and culture bearers or community projects and organizations who are not 501c3 nonprofit organizations.
A consultation with the Network is required prior to application.