Become A Member

Traverse City Philharmonic. Photo credit: Michael Poehlman

You are the Network

Imagine our region as a grand orchestra—a diverse ensemble of creators and culture-bearers—each contributing individually to create something spectacular. As the unique sections unite in harmonious collaboration, the listener is transported to a place of emotional response—they feel something.

When you become a member of NW MI Arts & Culture Network, you are participating in something that brings meaning to the audience, harmony to other creators, and vitality to the community.

Join us in creating a region with art and culture filling the air.

Become a Member

Individual Membership

$25 / year

Individuals from a wide range of practices—visual artists, musicians, poets, historians, novelists, crafters—are the cultural breath of life for the region. Your membership connects you to one another and gives you access to exclusive workshops to enhance your business or practice.

Art lovers and staff members of culture organizations are also encouraged to join at this level to be a part of this creative communy

Become a Member

Organizational / Business Membership

$100 / year (for those under $500k annual budget)
$250 / year (for those over $500k annual budget)

Arts & Cultural Organizations, Studios, Galleries, Venues,
including businesses and community projects/associations with direct affiliation
with arts, culture and the creative sector

Become a Member

Champion Membership

$500 / year

You get it! As a resident or business owner in our community, you understand how arts and culture is critical to healthy communities. It's the public art you enjoy on a walk, the ballet class your grandaughter loves, the live music you can catch nearly every summer night, the museums that preserve the stories of our towns.

When you become a Champion Member, you:

  • Invest in the our region’s cultural vibrancy and sustainability
  • Contribute to a strong cultural ecosystem
  • Advocate for arts and culture
  • Promote the creativity that makes northwest Michigan a special place to live

Become a Member

Membership Benefits

  • Listing in our Member Directory
  • Ability to share events on our Find the Arts calendar
  • Discounts and scholarships to the Annual NW MI Arts & Culture Summit
  • Exclusive professional development workshops
  • Calls for art, job postings, funding, opportunities
  • Promotion of your work to our growing network
  • Your collective voice amplified by our advocacy initiatives
  • Networking opportunities
  • Access to one-on-one and group consultation
  • Referrals to expertise among other members